Every order which isn't on status shipped can be canceled by the seller for any reason. 

If the order isn't paid for when it gets canceled there's no problem, there won't be any fee charged.

For orders which are already paid for and than are canceled Whiskybase won't charge any fee, but there will be transaction fee charged by the payment provider.

The fee will be charged on the sellers, despite the reason for canceling. The buyer will receive a full refund.

This isn't always fair in our opinion, cause sometimes buyers are causing the cancel.  However we can't do much about this, so a few things that a seller can do to minimize this risk:

1. make sure you're market offers are up to date. Many cancels are caused by bottles on the market that aren't available anymore

2. If you want to cancel an order for whatever reason please do this as quick as possible. If it isn't paid for there's no transaction yet so there won't be any fee

3. Remove all destination countries you don't ship to in your shipping editor. This will avoid unnecessary order from buyers that are based in these countries.

4. In case you think it's unfair you have to pay the fee for an order please communicate with the buyer about this, or open a ticket on our support desk so we can mediate.

see also Who pays for the fees when an order is canceled by a buyer